Hagakure Kikigaki

A famous book teaching Bushido (the code of the warriors) written in 1716.

A samurai, Tsuramoto Tashiro, dictated the words of Tsunetomo Yamamoto, who was admired as both a warrior and a good scholar. The note was Tsuramoto's private memo first, but it became public afterwards. It was used as a textbook for samurai in Nabeshima's territory (Saga.)

The famous sentence is "The Way of the Samurai is found in death."

Since Tsunetomo was a real grandson of Kiyoakira Nakano, the leader of the Nakano Clan, he was treated as a member of the clan.

When Tsunetomo was reading books, his father taught him "Reading books is the work of Imperial Court, but the work of the House of Nakano is found in military valor, grasping the staff of oak."

A translation "The Book of the Samurai HAGAKURE" by W.S.Wilson will be obtained from Kodansha International, New York (1979, paper back edition: 1983). ISBN 0-8701-606-1 (in Japan ISBN 4-7700-1106-7).

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First Written Before March, 1997
Transplanted to KSU Before August 26, 2003
Last Update December 18, 2004