Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Chinasa Sueyoshi, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Hideyuki Satomura, Kentaro
Inenaga, "Construction of a Regional Public Transportation Management Support System Using the Cloud",
The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE2024), Dec. 2024
Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Chinasa Sueyoshi, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Hideyuki Satomura, Kentaro
Inenaga, "Crew Management Support Application for Operation Managers and Boosting System Security",
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Emerging Dependable Computing System Technologies and Applications (EDCSTA 2024),
pp.634-638, Nov. 2024
Ryuto Fukumura, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Kentaro Inenaga, Toshikazu Ishida, "Visually Representing
CPU Execution with the KERNEL Educational Comuputer
Model", Proceedings of the 39th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and
Communications (ITC-CSCC 2024), 5 pages, Jul. 2024
Hideyuki Satomura, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Chinasa Sueyoshi, Kentaro
Inenaga, "A Support Tool for Converting Community Bus Operation Data to GTFS Format",
Proceedings of the 39th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications
(ITC-CSCC 2024), 6 pages, Jul. 2024
Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Yoshihiro
Yasutake, Kentaro Inenaga, "A Usage and Analysis of
measured CO2 Levels in Japanese Community Buses with IoT
Sensors", Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA2023), Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 13957, pp. 242-255,
Jul. 2023
Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Yoshihiro
Yasutake, Kentaro Inenaga, "Proposal for an
Employee Management Support System for Regional Public
Transportation Based on Health Data", Proceedings of Asia Pacific
Computer Systems Conference 2021(APCS 2021), Springer Lecture Notes
in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Vol.978, pp.85-98, Feb. 2023
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Toshihiro Uchibayashi,
Kentaro Inenaga, "An Analysis of the Number of
Passengers in Consecutive National Vacation Collected with a
Practical Management Support System", International Journal of
Intelligent Transportation Systems Research(2022), 9 pages, Jan.
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Toshihiro Uchibayashi,
Kentaro Inenaga, "Employee Management Support
Application for Regional Public Transportation Service in Japan",
Advances in Networked-Based Information Systems - The 24th
International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems
(NBiS-2021), Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS),
Vol.313, pp.71-81, Aug. 2021
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Kentaro Inenaga,
"Analysis of the Number of Passengers in Consecutive National
Holiday Collected with a Practical Management Support System in the
Case of Community Bus of Shingu Town in Japan", 2020 11th
International Green and Sustainable Computing Workshops (IGSC), 8
pages, Dec. 2020
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Kentaro Inenaga,
"Developing Practical Management Support System for Regional Public
Transportation Service Provided by Municipalities", Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis (ICCDA
2020), pp.23-28, Mar. 2020
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Kentaro Inenaga,
"Development of Route Shape Measurement Application to Create
Transit Data for Regional Public Transportation", Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Innovation in Information Technology and
Applications (ISIITA 2020), pp.57-58, Feb. 2020
稲永 健太郎,
Qサポネット(地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in
Kyushu)2019年度第1回勉強会 講演, 2020年1月
稲永 健太郎,
Qサポネット(地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in
Kyushu)2019年度第1回勉強会 パネルディスカッションパネラー,
ふくおか IT Workouts(FITW)実行委員会委員
地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in Kyushu(Qサポネット)世話人
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Yoshihiro Yasutake,
Kentaro Inenaga, "Building and Publishing
Fundamental Transit Data for Regional Public Transportation Provided
by Municipalities", 2019 8th International Conference on
Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2019), MATEC Web of
Conferences Volume 308, 01005 (2020), 4 pages, Dec. 2019
Chinasa Sueyoshi, Hideya Takagi, Kentaro Inenaga,
"An Analysis of the Number of Passengers Collected with A Practical
Management Support System for Regional Public Transportation
Service", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on
Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom2019), pp.258-261, Nov.
稲永 健太郎,
2018年度第2回Qサポネット(地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in
Kyushu)勉強会 基調講演, 2019年1月
稲永 健太郎,
2018年度第2回Qサポネット(地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in
Kyushu)勉強会 データ仕組み体験講師, 2019年1月
ふくおか IT Workouts(FITW)実行委員会委員
地域と交通をサポートするネットワーク in Kyushu(Qサポネット)世話人
Kentaro Inenaga, "The Development of a Mobile
Application to Collect Passenger Data for Regional Public
Transportation", Proceedings of the 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum
FUKUOKA 2018, pp.1284-1297, May 2018
Ryohei Shikita, Kentaro Inenaga, Yoshihiro
Yasutake, "An Implementation of the Total Ordering Multicast in
Bluetooth Communication", Program and Abstracts of the 26th
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers
and Communications, p.56, Jun. 2011
Akihisa Inenaga,Kentaro Inenaga, "The Concept of
The New Business Design by The International Economic Cooperation
Among Cities in East Asia with Friendly Relationship - In The Case
of Sasebo, Nagasaki in Japan and Xiamen, Fujian in China -",
Richard Y. Wang, Elizabeth M. Pierce, Stuart E. Madnick, Craig W.
Fisher 編,関口 恭毅 監訳 ,石島 隆, 井戸田 博樹,
稲永 健太郎, 古賀 広志, 村田 潔, 八鍬 幸信, 柳原
佐智子 訳, "情報品質管理 - 役立つ情報システムの成功要因",
第6章(情報製品倉庫に何があるか?)担当, ISBN 9784502395802,
中央経済社, 2008年1月
Toyohiko Hirota, Satoshi Kumagai, Kentaro Inenaga,
"Conceptual Data Modeling Based on Use Cases", Proceedings of the
7th Biennial World Conference on Integrated Design and Process
Technology, pp.330-336, Dec. 2003
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Makoto Amamiya,
"Producer-consumer Pipelining for Structured-data in a Fine-grain
Non-strict Dataflow Language on Commodity Machines", Proceedings of
the 1999 International Workshop on Innovative Architecture (IWIA
'99), pp. 77-86, Dec. 2000
稲永 健太郎, 日下部 茂, 雨宮 真人,
情報処理学会論文誌 ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングシステム
(HPS)第41巻 No. SIG 8 (HPS 2), pp. 73-84, 2000年11月
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Makoto Amamiya,
"Transformation of Non-strict Structured-Data Access into Scheduled
Strict Access in Non-strict Dataflow Languages", Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for
Symbolic and Irregular Applications (PDCSIA) '99, pp. 288-310, Jul.
Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Inenaga, Makoto Amamiya,
Xinan Tang, "Implementing a Non-strict Functional Programming
Language on a Threaded Architecture", Proceedings of Workshop on
High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environment,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), Vol. 1586, pp.
138-152, Apr. 1999
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Makoto Amamiya,
Xinan Tang, Andres Marquez, Guang R. Gao, "Implementation of a
Non-strict Functional Programming Language V on a Threaded
Architecture EARTH", Proceedings of the 1998 International Workshop
on Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High-Performance
Processors and Systems (IWIA '98), pp. 95-102, Oct. 1998
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Makoto Amamiya,
"Hybrid Support for Lenient Implementation of Array-Comprehension",
Proceedings of Asian Computing Science Conference, pp. 383-384, Dec.
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Tetsuo Morimoto,
Makoto Amamiya, "Hybrid Approach for Non-strict Dataflow Program on
Commodity Machine", Proceedings of International Symposium on High
Performance Computing (ISHPC), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science(LNCS), Vol. 1336, pp.243-254, Nov. 1997
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Makoto Amamiya,
"Lenient Implementation of Array-Comprehension on Massively Parallel
Computer", Proceedings of International Symposium on Future Software
Technology (ISFST-97), pp. 280-285, Oct. 1997
Shigeru Kusakabe, Taku Nagai, Kentaro Inenaga,
Makoto Amamiya, "Reducing Overhead in Implementing Fine-grain
Parallel Data-structures of a Dataflow Language on Off-the-shelf
Distributed-memory Parallel Computers", Proceedings of HICSS-30
(30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), pp.
234-243, Jan. 1997
Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Inenaga, Makoto Amamiya,
"Lenient Implementation of Array-Comprehension on AP1000",
Proceedings of Parallel Computing Workshop (PCW) '97, pp. P2Q1-P2Q,
Sep. 1997
Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Inenaga, Kiyotoshi
Nishimura, Makoto Amamiya, "Implementation Tuning of a Dataflow
Language on a Stock Parallel Machine with Visualization Tools",
Proceedings of 2nd Asian Computing Science Conference, Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 1179, pp. 349-350,
Dec. 1996
Shigeru Kusakabe, Taku Nagai, Kentaro Inenaga,
Makoto Amamiya, "Address Generation of Dataflow Fine-grain Parallel
Data-structures on a Distributed-memory Computer", Proceedings of
IFIP WG10.3 Working Conference on Parallel Architectures and
Compilation Techniques (PACT'96), pp. 139-143, Oct. 1996
Shigeru Kusakabe, Tetsuo Morimoto, Kentaro Inenaga,
Makoto Amamiya, "Towards Practical Implementation of a
Dataflow-based Functional Language on Stock Machines", Proceedings
of the 8th International Workshop on the Implementation of
Functional Languages, Bonn/Germany, pp. 243-260, Sep. 1996
Kentaro Inenaga, Shigeru Kusakabe, Kiyotoshi
Nishimura, Makoto Amamiya, "Implementation Tuning of a Dataflow
Language on a AP1000 with Visualization Tools", Proceedings of 6th
Parallel Computing Workshop, pp.P2B1-P2B6, Nov. 1996